Step by step instructions: How to child protect an iPhone or iPad

This is one little step forward. Not perfect and Apple style "love it or leave it" but better than handing a completely unprotected device to children. 

Apple also offers some help on their website:

Step by step instructions: How to child protect an Android tablet or smartphone

This is one little step forward. Not as convenient as a 3d party child protection suite but better than handing a completely unprotected device to children. 

Google also offers some help on their website:

Screen time v play time: what tech leaders won't let their own kids do

The Guardian: 

Steve Jobs and Jonathan Ive designed some of the world’s most desirable tech – but imposed strict limits on their own children using it. What rules do others set?

Read the full article here:


Toddlers and Touchscreens: A Science in Development


In the last decade, smartphones and tablets have gone from being rare luxury devices to essential components of everyday life: Results of a recent survey show, for example, that family ownership of touchscreens in the UK increased from 7% in 2011 to 71% in 2014 (Ofcom, 2014). APS Board Member Annette Karmiloff-Smith and Tim Smith, psychological scientists at Birkbeck, University of London, want to know how this rise in digital technology may be affecting early child development. To do so, the scientists have established the TABLET project, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, which aims to document the central role that touchscreen devices seem to play in family life and the enthusiasm that most children show for using the devices — in addition to recording parents’ concerns about digital technology.

Read the full article here:

Happy to see that our topic is getting awareness in the popular press: current issue of German Focus Magazine

How much smartphone usage is good for kids?
When does it start getting dangerous? How smartphones impact family life, school and education.

Wie viel Smartphone ist gut für Kinder?
Und ab wann wird es gefährlich? Wie das Smartphone Familie, Schule und Erziehung verändert.

Focus Ausgabe 03. Sept. 2016 / Focus issue 03. Sept. 2016


10 Tips for Parents in the Digital Age by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

In a world where children are "growing up digital," it's important to help them learn healthy concepts of digital use and citizenship. Parents play an important role in teaching these skills.

Here are a few tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to help parents manage the digital landscape they're exploring with their children.

CyberSafe: Protecting and Empowering Kids in the Digital World of Texting, Gaming, and Social Media - a book by Gwenn Schurgin O’Keeffe, MD, FAAP

Beyond informing readers on the latest trends in technology, Dr. Gwenn gives provides the tools parents need to help their child navigate the digital world with insight and intelligence. Because, let's face it, just because kids may be more technologically savvy than their parents doesn't mean they have the wisdom and understanding to make good decisions with the media they're using.